Phantoms in the Luminiferous Ether

by Jason McDonald | January 20, 2019 |

Stormy and I are cleaning up our new book, Phantoms of Ruthaer. Set in the same world as the Cayn Trilogy, it’s a different series with a different cast of characters.

While the Cayn Trilogy was inspired by Beowulf and the story of Cain and Abel (check out our blog), this one was inspired by what Jasper calls the Misty Road (the ethereal plane) and Luminiferous Ether.

“All matter comes from a primary substance, the Luminiferous Ether.” – Nikola Tesla

As part of our research we came across part of an article written in 1909 for the New York Tribune.

Fundamentally, man is a spiritual being, here and now. This spiritual being is “clothed upon.” so to speak, with a physical body, which is the instrument by means of which he relates himself to the physical world. By means of this physical body he is able to enter into the conditions of the present phase of life. The change we call death is simply the emerging from this outer body. It is one of the natural processes in the evolution of life.

The ethereal world interpenetrates all the physical world. The horizon line of the unseen, the incalculable, is constantly receding, and we are increasingly utilizing the ethereal forces. All these are a part of the conditions of which communication with “the dead” is one of the possibilities. Between the physical and the ethereal realms there are no hard and fast lines. It is all a matter of what Swedenborg calls discreet degrees. The territory of the unknown is conquered and becomes the known; the mysterious becomes the familiar process of daily life.

Death is merely a name for the change that liberates the ethereal body from the physical body. This ethereal body is in the same correspondence with the ethereal world that the physical body is in with the physical world. It is merely the natural environment. Man is a spiritual being temporarily clothed in a physical body, his instrument, by means of which he comes into relation with the physical world, the sole object of which, during his entire sojourn, is to develop his spiritual forces – his intellect, his powers of achievement. By the process we call death he is released from this physical body and environment.

Lilian Whiting (1909)

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